F. J. BELINFANTE so that gravitational and electromagnetic fields commute and spinor fields purely anticommute. The notational developments which he then proceeded to outline go something like this:
He defines a “modernized” Poisson bracket
for Fermi-Dirac fields and
for Bose-Einstein fields. He also distinguishes
, which is a refinement necessitated by factor ordering difficulties.
He then uses vierbeine
to describe the gravitational field, and introduces local
components independent of
for the spinor fields so that
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The canonical formalism can be developed following the method of Dirac1 There are 11 first-class primary constraints ,
arising from gauge, coordinate, and vierbein-rotational invariance of the theory, which lead to five first-class secondary constraints
. In addition there are eight second-class constraints
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arising from redundancy in the variables used to describe the spinor field.
One finds
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, and
is canonically conjugate to
, while
is integrated over space to give the energy-momentum (free-) fourvector, if one assumes vanishing fields and flat space-time at infinity.
In passing to the quantum theory one makes use of the modified Poisson bracket due to Dirac, which is defined by
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One sets
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The dynamical equations then become
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where the symbol
means place the
factor where
is taken out. The
factor is given by
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where the
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being certain coefficients and
a function of the
’s, and their space derivatives only.
is quadratic in the
. The constraint expressions
are meant as functions of the
and therefore are expressions in the
partially linear in them. (Note that the constraints
, but through the
vanish only weakly when expressed in the
as we do.) If one works only with modified Poisson
brackets the
may be set to zero, and then
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Kennedy has verified the consistency of this scheme by direct computation of the modified Poisson brackets
. They all reduce to linear combinations of the
’s and
’s alone.
The modified Poisson brackets for the spinor variables lead to some unwanted peculiarities which can be removed by redefining the spinor variables according to
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One then finds
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Thence, modified Poisson brackets defined by partial derivatives with respect to
equal ordinary (though modernized) Poisson brackets defined by partial derivatives with respect to
. Thus working with
in terms of the
from the beginning makes it possible to quantize without ever mentioning modified Poisson brackets.
BELINFANTE do not vanish in the strict sense. (They only vanish “weakly,” in Dirac’s terminology.) However he proposed simply to bypass this problem for the time being, and, for the sake of being able to make practical computations, pass over to what he calls a “muddified theory,”
’s are replaced by their expressions in terms of the
’s then the auxiliary conditions must reduce to the original constraints. BELINFANTE has made certain special choices for these conditions (e.g., De Donder
condition), based on convenience, and he hopes he can then do meaningful practical calculations, just as the Fermi theory was long used for practical calculations in electrodynamics before all the mathematical subtleties of various constraints were precisely understood. BELINFANTE has shown by explicit computation that the constraints of his “muddified” theory are conserved, and has calculated explicitly the
With the “muddified” theory ’s and
’s at time
will depend not only on the
’s and
’s at a time
, but also on the coordinate system chosen to link
. On the other hand, differences in results of going from
are merely accumulated mud; so, if a “true” theory is later developed in which the mud can be made identically zero by altering the commutation relations as proposed by Bergmann
One can introduce annihilation and creation operators (for photons, gravitons, etc.), although the Fourier transformation procedure on which they are based is a non-covariant procedure.
BELINFANTE-constraints (above).
involves the quantity
which is quadratic in the momenta, being essentially
the energy density of the combined fields. This means that the only “true variables” which will be easy to find are the constants of the motion. (Since
differs from
by a divergence one might at first sight conclude, by integrating
over all space, that the total energy must always be zero. However, the surface integrals cannot be ignored here – Ed.)
Following BELINFANTE’s
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for which the equations of motion are nonlinear but invariant under a transformation group analogous to the gauge group of electrodynamics or the coordinate transformation group of general relativity. The gravitational field is embraced by this example when
becomes transfinite. In a linear theory the true observables
SCHILLER constants of the motion
and the time
is transfinite). In the canonical formalism the coordinate conditions take the form
for certain functions
. These three sets of equations can then (in principle) be solved to eliminate some of the constants
from the theory. The remaining constants, when, reexpressed as functions of the
’s and
, will be the true observables. This, of course, assumes that the true observables are constants of the motion.
GOLDBERG-number Lagrangian as a starting point. In making variations of such a Lagrangian one must pay careful attention to the ordering of factors.
ANDERSON-number Lagrangian.