Support for Authors
Once your manuscript has successfully undergone the reviewing process and been accepted for publication, then the final manuscript can be submitted and the production process will begin.
Please submit the following documents:
- A Word file of your text containing the minimum mark-up outlined in the EOA Word Template. Please ensure that the final manuscript has been edited both linguistically by a native speaker and according to the Chicago Manual of Style.
- A database of the bibliographical references (a typed list of references will not be accepted). BibTeX is preferred, but EndNote and Zotero are also accepted.
- Images with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, or 600 dpi for line drawings. Written permission for use of the images should also be provided.
- An image for the cover (with permission for use). Landscape format is preferred.
- An upload document outlining the details of publication.
- A signed “Permission to Publish” document.
It is also possible to submit your manuscript in LaTeX. Please click on the link for more details.
You will receive a PDF proof of your manuscript and the cover before your manuscript goes into production. Please note that only typographical errors can be rectified at this stage. No further textual editing is permitted.
Should you require technical assistance while preparing your documents for submission, please contact:
Klaus Thoden (Technical Manager):